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Christ Church CE Primary School Battersea

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Learning Challenge Curriculum

The Learning Challenge concept is built around the principle of greater learner involvement in their work.

It requires deep thinking and encourages learners to work using a question as the starting point.  In designing the curriculum teachers and learners are using a prime learning challenge, expressed as a question, as the starting point. Using the information gained from pre- learning tasks and the school’s context, a series of subsidiary challenges are then planned. Each subsidiary learning challenge is also expressed as a question. See how this works in the schemes of work provided. The subsidiary learning challenge is normally expected to last for one week but this does not need to be the case. However, initially it may be useful for the learners and indeed the staff to get used to the weekly learning challenge. The important point is that the learning challenges need to make sense to the learners and be something that is within their immediate understanding.



Learning Challenge Curriculum – EYFS

Learning Challenge Curriculum – Mixed aged classes